Susanna by G.F. Handel at the International Handel Festival in Göttingen, Germany
Fons was an affecting Susanna, with her gorgeous rich tone, super diction, exquisite coloratura and her detailed attention to the text producing lambent tones on critical notes. One can single out the air “Bending to the throne of glory” as displaying all her strengths, with a sustained controlled cadenza in the da capo. Another tour de force was the air “If guiltless blood be your intent”, surpassed only by her final glorious air “Guilt trembling spoke my doom”, a stunning piece of singing virtuosity.
– Sandra Bowdler for Opera Britannia
Im perfekt aufeinander abgestimmten Solistenensemble brillierte Emily Fons in der Titelpartie mit ihrem wunderbar warmen, ausdrucksstarken Mezzosopran.
In the perfectly harmonized ensemble of soloists Emily Fons excelled in the title part with her wonderfully warm, expressive mezzo-soprano.
– Michael Schäfer for the Göttinger Tageblatt